在Blazor使用Fluent UI元件-3
作者:許薰尹 精誠資訊/恆逸教育訓練中心資深講師
在本站《在Blazor使用Fluent UI元件 - 1》與《在Blazor使用Fluent UI元件 - 2》一文介紹如何在現有的Blazor專案中,手動加入Fluent UI元件的功能。在這一篇文章中,我們將介紹延續這系列文章的情境,介紹Fluent UI套件中「FluentDataGrid」元件的功能。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 | <h3> MyDataGridComponent </h3> <p> 選取欄位 : <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showCover" > Cover </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showTitle" > Title </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPrice" > Price </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPublishDate" > PublishDate </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showInStock" > InStock </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showDescription" > Description </FluentCheckbox> </p> <FluentDataGrid Items = "@books" > <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Id)" Sortable = "true" /> @ if ( showCover ) { <TemplateColumn Tooltip = "true" TooltipText = "@(b => b.Title + " 的圖片 ")" Align = "Align.Center" SortBy = "@idSort" Title = "Cover" > <img class = "cover" src = "images\@(context.Id).png" alt = "@(context.Id + " 的圖片 ")" /> </TemplateColumn> } @ if ( showTitle ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Title)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPrice ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Price)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPublishDate ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.PublishDate)" Format = "yyyy-MM-dd" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showInStock ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.InStock)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showDescription ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Description)" Sortable = "true" /> } </FluentDataGrid> @code { bool showCover = false ; bool showTitle = true ; bool showPrice = true ; bool showPublishDate = false ; bool showInStock = false ; bool showDescription = false ; record Book( int Id, string ? Title, int Price, DateTime PublishDate, bool InStock, string ? Description ); IQueryable<Book> books = new [ ] { new Book(1, "Essential Programming Language" , 250, new DateTime(2022, 1, 2), true , "Essential Programming Language" ), new Book(2, "Telling Arts" , 245, new DateTime(2022, 4, 15), true , "Telling Arts" ), new Book(3, "Marvel" , 150, new DateTime(2022, 2, 21), true , "Marvel" ), new Book(4, "The Beauty of Cook" , 450, new DateTime(2022, 12, 2), true , "The Beauty of Cook" ), new Book(5, "The Art of Design" , 300, new DateTime(2022, 6, 10), true , "The Art of Design" ), new Book(6, "Science Fiction" , 200, new DateTime(2022, 8, 18), true , "Science Fiction" ), new Book(7, "History of Art" , 180, new DateTime(2022, 3, 25), true , "History of Art" ), new Book(8, "The Mystery Novel" , 350, new DateTime(2022, 9, 5), true , "The Mystery Novel" ), new Book(9, "Fantasy World" , 280, new DateTime(2022, 7, 12), true , "Fantasy World" ) }.AsQueryable( ); GridSort<Book> idSort = GridSort<Book> .ByDescending( x => x.Id ); } <style> .cover { height: 100px; margin: auto; } </style> |
「FluentCheckbox」是一個Blazor元件,它是Fluent UI庫的一部分,我們透過它來設計複選功能。在這段程式碼中,「FluentCheckbox」元件的使用「@bind-Value」語法繫結到一個名為「showCover」的布林變數,當核取方塊的狀態改變時,「showCover」變數的值也會對應的改變。同時,如果「showCover」變數的值在其他地方被改變,核取方塊的狀態也會更新以反映這個變化。這稱之為雙向繫結。
圖 1:動態顯示欄位。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 | <h3> MyDataGridComponent </h3> <p> 選取欄位 : <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showCover" > Cover </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showTitle" > Title </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPrice" > Price </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPublishDate" > PublishDate </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showInStock" > InStock </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showDescription" > Description </FluentCheckbox> </p> <FluentDataGrid Items = "@books" Pagination = "@pagination" > <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Id)" Sortable = "true" /> @ if ( showCover ) { <TemplateColumn Tooltip = "true" TooltipText = "@(b => b.Title + " 的圖片 ")" Align = "Align.Center" SortBy = "@idSort" Title = "Cover" > <img class = "cover" src = "images\@(context.Id).png" alt = "@(context.Id + " 的圖片 ")" /> </TemplateColumn> } @ if ( showTitle ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Title)" Align = "Align.Start" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPrice ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Price)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPublishDate ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.PublishDate)" Format = "yyyy-MM-dd" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showInStock ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.InStock)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showDescription ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Description)" Sortable = "true" /> } </FluentDataGrid> <FluentPaginator State = "@pagination" > <SummaryTemplate> 共 <strong> @(pagination.TotalItemCount ?? 0) </strong> 筆 </SummaryTemplate> <PaginationTextTemplate> 第 <strong> @(pagination.CurrentPageIndex + 1) </strong> 頁,共 <strong> @(pagination.LastPageIndex + 1) </strong> 頁 </PaginationTextTemplate> </FluentPaginator> @code { PaginationState pagination = new PaginationState { ItemsPerPage = 4 }; bool showCover = true ; bool showTitle = true ; bool showPrice = true ; bool showPublishDate = false ; bool showInStock = false ; bool showDescription = false ; record Book( int Id, string ? Title, int Price, DateTime PublishDate, bool InStock, string ? Description ); IQueryable<Book> books = new [ ] { new Book(1, "Essential Programming Language" , 250, new DateTime(2022, 1, 2), true , "Essential Programming Language" ), new Book(2, "Telling Arts" , 245, new DateTime(2022, 4, 15), true , "Telling Arts" ), new Book(3, "Marvel" , 150, new DateTime(2022, 2, 21), true , "Marvel" ), new Book(4, "The Beauty of Cook" , 450, new DateTime(2022, 12, 2), true , "The Beauty of Cook" ), new Book(5, "The Art of Design" , 300, new DateTime(2022, 6, 10), true , "The Art of Design" ), new Book(6, "Science Fiction" , 200, new DateTime(2022, 8, 18), true , "Science Fiction" ), new Book(7, "History of Art" , 180, new DateTime(2022, 3, 25), true , "History of Art" ), new Book(8, "The Mystery Novel" , 350, new DateTime(2022, 9, 5), true , "The Mystery Novel" ), new Book(9, "Fantasy World" , 280, new DateTime(2022, 7, 12), true , "Fantasy World" ) }.AsQueryable( ); GridSort<Book> idSort = GridSort<Book> .ByDescending( x => x.Id ); } <style> .cover { height: 100px; margin: auto; } </style> |
「PaginationTextTemplate」樣板則用於顯示當前頁碼和總頁數。在這個樣板中,使用了「pagination.CurrentPageIndex + 1」來得到當前頁碼,使用了「pagination.LastPageIndex + 1」來得到總頁數。
圖 2:資料分頁。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 | @ using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations <h3> MyDataGridComponent </h3> <p> 選取欄位 : <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showCover" > Cover </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showTitle" > Title </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPrice" > Price </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPublishDate" > PublishDate </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showInStock" > InStock </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showDescription" > Description </FluentCheckbox> </p> <FluentDataGrid Items = "@books" Pagination = "@pagination" > <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Id)" Sortable = "true" /> @ if ( showCover ) { <TemplateColumn Tooltip = "true" TooltipText = "@(b => b.Title + " 的圖片 ")" Align = "Align.Center" SortBy = "@idSort" Title = "Cover" > <img class = "cover" src = "images\@(context.Id).png" alt = "@(context.Id + " 的圖片 ")" /> </TemplateColumn> } @ if ( showTitle ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Title)" Align = "Align.Start" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPrice ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Price)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPublishDate ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.PublishDate)" Format = "yyyy-MM-dd" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showInStock ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.InStock)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showDescription ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Description)" Sortable = "true" /> } </FluentDataGrid> <FluentPaginator State = "@pagination" > <SummaryTemplate> 共 <strong> @(pagination.TotalItemCount ?? 0) </strong> 筆 </SummaryTemplate> <PaginationTextTemplate> 第 <strong> @(pagination.CurrentPageIndex + 1) </strong> 頁,共 <strong> @(pagination.LastPageIndex + 1) </strong> 頁 </PaginationTextTemplate> </FluentPaginator> @code { PaginationState pagination = new PaginationState { ItemsPerPage = 4 }; bool showCover = true ; bool showTitle = true ; bool showPrice = true ; bool showPublishDate = false ; bool showInStock = false ; bool showDescription = false ; class Book { [Display( Name = "圖書編號" )] public int Id { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "圖書名稱" )] public string ? Title { get ; set ; } = null !; [Display( Name = "價格" )] public int Price { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "出版日期" )] public DateTime PublishDate { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "庫存" )] public bool InStock { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "說明" )] public string ? Description { get ; set ; } } IQueryable<Book> books = new [ ] { new Book { Id = 1, Title = "Essential Programming Language" , Price = 250, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 1, 2 ), InStock = true , Description = "Essential Programming Language" }, new Book { Id = 2, Title = "Telling Arts" , Price = 245, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 4, 15 ), InStock = true , Description = "Telling Arts" }, new Book { Id = 3, Title = "Marvel" , Price = 150, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 2, 21 ), InStock = true , Description = "Marvel" }, new Book { Id = 4, Title = "The Beauty of Cook" , Price = 450, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 12, 2 ), InStock = true , Description = "The Beauty of Cook" }, new Book { Id = 5, Title = "The Art of Design" , Price = 300, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 6, 10 ), InStock = true , Description = "The Art of Design" }, new Book { Id = 6, Title = "Science Fiction" , Price = 200, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 8, 18 ), InStock = true , Description = "Science Fiction" }, new Book { Id = 7, Title = "History of Art" , Price = 180, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 3, 25 ), InStock = true , Description = "History of Art" }, new Book { Id = 8, Title = "The Mystery Novel" , Price = 350, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 9, 5 ), InStock = true , Description = "The Mystery Novel" }, new Book { Id = 9, Title = "Fantasy World" , Price = 280, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 7, 12 ), InStock = true , Description = "Fantasy World" } }.AsQueryable(); GridSort<Book> idSort = GridSort<Book> .ByDescending( x => x.Id ); } <style> .cover { height: 100px; margin: auto; } </style> |
圖 3:自訂欄位表頭。
若直欄中的資料需要以多行方式顯示,這需要利用樣式表,參考以下範例程式碼,顯示「Description」的「PropertyColumn」設定了「Class = "multiline-text"」:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 | @ using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations <h3> MyDataGridComponent </h3> <p> 選取欄位 : <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showCover" > Cover </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showTitle" > Title </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPrice" > Price </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showPublishDate" > PublishDate </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showInStock" > InStock </FluentCheckbox> <FluentCheckbox @bind-Value = "showDescription" > Description </FluentCheckbox> </p> <FluentDataGrid Items = "@books" Pagination = "@pagination" > <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Id)" Sortable = "true" /> @ if ( showCover ) { <TemplateColumn Tooltip = "true" TooltipText = "@(b => b.Title + " 的圖片 ")" Align = "Align.Center" SortBy = "@idSort" Title = "Cover" > <img class = "cover" src= "images\@(context.Id).png" alt = "@(context.Id + " 的圖片 ")" /> </TemplateColumn> } @ if ( showTitle ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Title)" Align = "Align.Start" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPrice ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Price)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showPublishDate ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.PublishDate)" Format = "yyyy-MM-dd" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showInStock ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.InStock)" Sortable = "true" /> } @ if ( showDescription ) { <PropertyColumn Property = "@(b => b.Description)" Sortable = "true" Class = "multiline-text" /> } </FluentDataGrid> <FluentPaginator State = "@pagination" > <SummaryTemplate> 共 <strong> @(pagination.TotalItemCount ?? 0) </strong> 筆 </SummaryTemplate> <PaginationTextTemplate> 第 <strong> @(pagination.CurrentPageIndex + 1) </strong> 頁,共 <strong> @(pagination.LastPageIndex + 1) </strong> 頁 </PaginationTextTemplate> </FluentPaginator> @code { PaginationState pagination = new PaginationState { ItemsPerPage = 4 }; bool showCover = true ; bool showTitle = true ; bool showPrice = true ; bool showPublishDate = false ; bool showInStock = false ; bool showDescription = false ; class Book { [Display( Name = "圖書編號" )] public int Id { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "圖書名稱" )] public string ? Title { get ; set ; } = null !; [Display( Name = "價格" )] public int Price { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "出版日期" )] public DateTime PublishDate { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "庫存" )] public bool InStock { get ; set ; } [Display( Name = "說明" )] public string ? Description { get ; set ; } } IQueryable<Book> books = new [ ] { new Book { Id = 1, Title = "Essential Programming Language" , Price = 250, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 1, 2 ), InStock = true , Description = "Essential Programming Language Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Libero soluta labore similique quidem nobis a possimus nostrum quis, maiores reprehenderit eum unde itaque laudantium culpa est porro, rem quia, excepturi incidunt nihil earum omnis temporibus veritatis. Libero tenetur ad facere impedit eius quo ratione eligendi necessitatibus ipsa suscipit odio, exercitationem molestias perferendis doloremque? Voluptatibus assumenda, repellat inventore magni doloribus modi vel ipsum reprehenderit temporibus esse illum! Aut, distinctio? Vel sequi quas ducimus odio dolorem blanditiis quibusdam quasi distinctio sunt modi eos doloribus nesciunt, perferendis, vitae accusantium soluta beatae suscipit quam. Exercitationem quam, ex expedita commodi id magnam reprehenderit quibusdam corrupti voluptas nemo ab obcaecati eveniet adipisci beatae dolorum omnis non illo enim temporibus. Provident atque reiciendis distinctio nihil ducimus ipsa accusamus ullam fuga, magni possimus suscipit beatae, officia a maxime numquam labore inventore. Adipisci aut doloremque dolore dicta similique harum aperiam, debitis, reiciendis quis earum sapiente eaque libero nesciunt totam repellendus quos nobis accusamus ut ab ipsum. Optio reiciendis velit explicabo itaque consectetur, tempora maiores. Quam culpa error enim, alias quaerat sunt reiciendis neque eveniet nisi perferendis corrupti id, magni recusandae animi ad sapiente explicabo placeat repudiandae maxime eligendi! Qui facilis molestias accusantium inventore optio neque magnam consectetur ipsa animi?" }, new Book { Id = 2, Title = "Telling Arts" , Price = 245, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 4, 15 ), InStock = true , Description = "Telling Arts" }, new Book { Id = 3, Title = "Marvel" , Price = 150, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 2, 21 ), InStock = true , Description = "Marvel" }, new Book { Id = 4, Title = "The Beauty of Cook" , Price = 450, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 12, 2 ), InStock = true , Description = "The Beauty of Cook" }, new Book { Id = 5, Title = "The Art of Design" , Price = 300, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 6, 10 ), InStock = true , Description = "The Art of Design" }, new Book { Id = 6, Title = "Science Fiction" , Price = 200, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 8, 18 ), InStock = true , Description = "Science Fiction" }, new Book { Id = 7, Title = "History of Art" , Price = 180, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 3, 25 ), InStock = true , Description = "History of Art" }, new Book { Id = 8, Title = "The Mystery Novel" , Price = 350, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 9, 5 ), InStock = true , Description = "The Mystery Novel" }, new Book { Id = 9, Title = "Fantasy World" , Price = 280, PublishDate = new DateTime( 2022, 7, 12 ), InStock = true , Description = "Fantasy World" } }.AsQueryable(); GridSort<Book> idSort = GridSort<Book> .ByDescending( x => x.Id ); } <style> .cover { height: 100px; margin: auto; } </style> |
圖 4:多行文字。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | <h3> MyDataGridComponent </h3> <FluentDataGrid TGridItem = "Book" GridTemplateColumns = "1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr" > <FluentDataGridRow RowType = "DataGridRowType.Header" > <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 1 CellType = "DataGridCellType.ColumnHeader" > @(nameof( Book.Id )) </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 2 CellType = "DataGridCellType.ColumnHeader" > @(nameof( Book.Title )) </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 3 CellType = "DataGridCellType.ColumnHeader" > @(nameof( Book.Price )) </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 4 CellType = "DataGridCellType.ColumnHeader" > @(nameof( Book.PublishDate )) </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 5 CellType = "DataGridCellType.ColumnHeader" > @(nameof( Book.InStock )) </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 6 CellType = "DataGridCellType.ColumnHeader" > @(nameof( Book.Description )) </FluentDataGridCell> </FluentDataGridRow> @ foreach ( var book in books ) { <FluentDataGridRow> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 1> @book.Id </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 2> @book.Title </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 3> @book.Price </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 4> @book.PublishDate </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 5> @book.InStock </FluentDataGridCell> <FluentDataGridCell GridColumn = 6> @book.Description </FluentDataGridCell> </FluentDataGridRow> } </FluentDataGrid> @code { record Book( int Id, string ? Title, int Price, DateTime PublishDate, bool InStock, string ? Description ); IQueryable<Book> books = new [ ] { new Book( 1, "Essential Programming Language" , 250, new DateTime( 2022, 1, 2 ), true , "Essential Programming Language" ), new Book( 2, "Telling Arts" , 245, new DateTime( 2022, 4, 15 ), true , "Telling Arts" ), new Book( 3, "Marvel" , 150, new DateTime( 2022, 2, 21 ), true , "Marvel" ), new Book( 4, "The Beauty of Cook" , 450, new DateTime( 2022, 12, 2 ), true , "The Beauty of Cook" ), new Book( 5, "The Art of Design" , 300, new DateTime( 2022, 6, 10 ), true , "The Art of Design" ), new Book( 6, "Science Fiction" , 200, new DateTime( 2022, 8, 18 ), true , "Science Fiction" ), new Book( 7, "History of Art" , 180, new DateTime( 2022, 3, 25 ), true , "History of Art" ), new Book( 8, "The Mystery Novel" , 350, new DateTime( 2022, 9, 5 ), true , "The Mystery Novel" ), new Book( 9, "Fantasy World" , 280, new DateTime( 2022, 7, 12 ), true , "Fantasy World" ) }.AsQueryable( ); } |
圖 5:自訂(DataGrid)的元件。
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